identifying as storylord, with a gusto for.. zeal

こんにちは / नमस्ते / Hey there ~

I'm Aitik - welcome to my corner of the internet!

A passionate engineer who likes to blogs his (so-far eventful) journey.

My technical/professional experiences:

I’m a software engineer who’s had opportunities to work in a diverse set of domains during my university stretch.. objectively amounting to ~10 internships.

With a passion to solve real-world problems through technology, I have experience in implementing, optimizing and maintaining scalable backend applications.

My personal projects apply technologies including core CS academia, design patterns, into realtime utilities, and are open-sourced.

Did I mention?

I find Open Source community truly amazing, some of my major contributions:

I thrive on challenges and love to learn with these instruments:

Tech-Stack that I'm familiar with:

Beyond coding, I share my journey through blogging, take the stage for theater performances, jam on my ukulele, and casually compete in e-sports!

PS: I go by @aitikgupta throughout the web! \o/

My life in bullet points:

rss facebook twitter github gitlab gitlab youtube mail spotify lastfm instagram linkedin google google-plus pinterest medium vimeo telegram stackoverflow reddit quora quora key download slideshare speakerdeck googlescholar researchgate mendeley orcid impactstory figshare pubmed